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Custom Web Site Development

Is your web site
Family Drawing

Specializing in Graphical User Interfaces for the Web

Did you know that 12% of men have some form of color blindness?
Did you know that in some countries the left hand is used for only one purpose?
Most Americans read left to right and top to bottom. But not all Americans speak English... or even one of the Romance Languages.
While most Americans consider
RED to signify DANGER , in some places it means prostitution or even luck
Do you know the one universal color that can be safely used to portray honesty, integrety, and power?
Do you know what fonts are easiest to read and are Browser supported?

Graphical User Interface design with Human Factors, internationalization, and impaired viewers taken into account along with your requirements

If your web site is slow, your customers complain about the colors, speed, or ease of use, it may be that the site is using off the shelf software. Many web sites suffer from over use of scripting languages such as Java or Javascript for accomplishing minor tasks. Scripting languages slow a site down dramatically and should be used carefully. We will look at your site and make recommendations to speed up the download to the visitor. Remember that a large portion of the population of the planet is still on dial up services and do not have access to broadband speeds. We have successfully aided several business in speeding up their web site and organizing data for easier display.

Email inquires to:  email address for custom web development assistance